Last week I spoke about how John the Baptist urges us to remove the rubbish from our individual lives, to prepare the way of the Lord, and to allow God to cure our deep-seated ills. Even if that means allowing Christ to cut down the trees that bear no good fruit.
This Sunday, we focus on how the Lord heals the people, the world.
There is much that is broken in our world, do you agree? In fact, do you believe that the world is unredeemable? You’re not surprised when people taint and spoil even the nicest things in life. That, no matter how bad it is, it can – and will – get worse?
It doesn’t seem to matter how often heroes come along, we human beings seem to have the innate desire to knock these special ones off their pedestals, undo or ignore whatever good they have done, and continue on with our rotten lives and culture. Wars, political corruption, decadence, conspiracy theories, and even harming nature. That which is supposed to be about US ALL, is turned into ‘WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?’
Yet the dream for healing of our world continues, found this Sunday in the prophet Isaiah [Isaiah 35:1-6].
Even though John the Baptist had proclaimed about Jesus, once he was in prison, he begins to wonder, possibly to doubt. Maybe his cousin Jesus is not doing things as John would have done them. He asks, “Is Jesus the One we’ve been waiting on, or should we wait for another?” [Matthew 11:2-11]
Jesus responds by quoting Isaiah and others, connecting the dots to what is happening in his ministry.
What would be sufficient proof for you to decide if someone is the messiah or not? Would it make a difference if the ‘anointed one’ agreed with your politics or social principles? What or Who is truly capable of healing our land, our people, the planet? What would it take for you to “receive your King”? If you already believe Jesus is the King, does your life line up with what Jesus said to John’s ambassadors? Do you support those who do? Are we leaving a Christmas gift unopened? When can you sing:
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King…”?
As always, I would really love to get your comments or questions — ahead of time or afterwards. Just click here.