Welcome to the weekly sermons podcast of Cross Connect Huntsville at Trinity United Methodist Church. We believe the cross connects together our differences, our gifts, our stories, and our lives, and we invite all people to gather in love, grow in faith and give back in joyful service. We pray this blesses you. Listen – experience how the cross connect us. 

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Subscribe to the Trinity Discipleship Podcast channel. You'll find all past podcasts, plus get access to our new ones! 

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These brief daily devotions show us how to live our best life thru 31 Proverbs in 31 days. This is the best advice God gave us! And there’s a different voice every day.  

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Got questions about the Bible? So do The Guys. Part history lesson, exploration, and laugh-out-loud fun: it’s for people who know nothing, a little, or a lot about the Bible. Topics are based on Cross Connect sermons from Sep 12 - Oct 24, 2021.

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