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There are many opportunities to be part of worship:

Acolytes & Crucifers

We’re grateful for the dedication of all our acolytes and crucifers. They bring the light and cross of Christ in with such pride. We are always looking for more responsible acolytes - from third grade to high school - to participate in Traditional worship. Youth and adults who are able to easily carry the solid brass Cross are invited as well. Training will be provided, and the commitment is minimal, but valuable. Contact Shane Kennedy, Worship & Fine Arts Associate.


Communion Celebrants

All of our Communion celebrants are wonderful in sharing Holy Communion with the congregation. They make the experience meaningful to everyone. We encourage you to be a part of this ministry by giving the bread and cup to your church family in Traditional & Cross Connect. Training is provided and the commitment is small but the value is significant. Contact Shane Kennedy, Worship & Fine Arts Associate for Traditional worship. Contact Brian Westbrook, Worship Director for Cross Connect. 

Audio/Video Tech

Many thanks to all of our AV tech folks. Because of them, worship is experienced by those who are unable to attend, and they can participate in singing, read along with scripture, and respond with the congregation. Trinity always needs people to help enhance worship for those in house and watching online. Training will be provided and the commitment is so valuable. Contact Camilla Pruitt, Director of Fine Arts.

Lay Readers

Trinity is blessed with a very dedicated group of lay readers who bring the Word of God to the people in a dynamic way in worship. We are grateful for them all. And we invite you to share your talent for speaking and reading with the congregation. Scriptures are sent in enough time to be confident and comfortable with reading. Readers are scheduled roughly every 3 months, and more if desired. Contact Scott McCauley, Coordinator of Worship & Fine Arts. 

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