Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O My Soul! Psalm 146
It takes lots of folks to create and produce transformational worship services, special services and other events at Trinity. Whether you enjoy singing, playing instruments, helping with lighting or sound, drama, decorating, helping before or during the worship service – we have a place for you!
Sanctuary Choir . Wednesdays 6:30 - 8 pm . Choir Room . Camilla Pruitt
Provides music for worship services throughout the year, including a Huntsville favorite, the “Carols of Christmas”.
- Singers
- Administrative or robe maintenance support
Cross Connect Band . Wednesdays 6 - 7 pm in The New Room . Brian Westbrook
Leads contemporary worship and special services with praise and prayer.
- Singers and instrumentalists by audition.
Trinity Instrumental Ensemble . Rehearsals scheduled (as needed) . Choir Room . Camilla Pruitt
Provides music for worship and special programs with adults and youth on strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion.
- Instrumentalists (3 years’ experience, middle school age by audition)
- Instrumental library support
Trinity Vocal Ensemble . Rehearsals scheduled (as needed) . Choir Room . Camilla Pruitt
Auditioned ensemble provides special music for worship, special programs and focuses on a wide variety of choral music.
To audition contact Camilla Pruitt or 256.489.7416.
Brings music to worship, area handbell festivals and special programs.
Adult handbell ringers (basic music reading ability required)
- Carillonneurs (Adult) . Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:30 pm . Room 197
- Trinity Handbell Quartet (audition required) . Sundays 1:45 - 3 pm or as needed
- Trinity Ringers (grades 6-12) . Sundays 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Youth Choir Trinity Singers . Sunday rehearsals as needed .
Shane Kennedy
Ensemble of youth singers open to grades 6-12. Singing in traditional worship once or twice in the spring and fall.
Youth Band . Rehearsals in The Attic Sundays 4 - 5 pm . Shane Kennedy
Provide contemporary music to “Converge!” youth group, youth events and lead Cross Connect worship on fifth Sundays.
- Singers and instrumentalists by audition.
Trinity Explorers in Faith . Sundays 5:30 - 7 pm, Sep-Apr . Camilla Pruitt
Children ages 4-5th grade grow in faith with music, games, small group discipleship, worship, and more during the school year.
Adults needed for:
- Class Leaders and assistants
- Group leaders
- Parent Chaperones
Trinity’s tech team enhances weekly worship and special events throughout the year.
- Lighting support for Sanctuary and The New Room
- Audio support for Sanctuary and The New Room
- Video support for Sanctuary and The New Room
Cross Connect Stage Designers .
Brian Westbrook
Contemporary worship stage décor and props reflect the season and the sermon themes.
- Stage decorations, themes for sermon series set up
Prepare the Sanctuary for worship each week, and special worship services during the year.
- Set the Sanctuary chancel each week
- Set Communion each month
- Prepare Sanctuary for weddings, funerals, special services
Worship Support
Participants in our traditional and contemporary worship services represent various aspects of our faith.
- Lay Readers for scripture and other readings Contact:
Scott McCauley
- Sanctuary Worship Liason (work with acolytes and crucifers on Sunday mornings) Contact:
Shane Kennedy
- Gospel Bearer, carry in the Bible during Traditional worship
- Acolytes (grades 3-12), light candles and assist during Traditional worship
- Crucifer (grades 6-12), carry the cross and assist during Traditional worship
- Communion Celebrants, serve communion to congregation
- Ushers, welcome people, help find seats, take up offering
Replenish resources for those attending traditional worship
- Supply the pews with materials.