This is one of those rare times when the title of the sermon gives away the punchline. So spoiler alert! Sometimes it seems like we have anger – “we got angry”— but often it seems like anger has us.
When is it OK to get angry and when is it not? Does it have to do with the subject – who is doing what to whom for what reason? Something that is morally wrong or just very much against what I want? Is there such a thing as ‘righteous anger’? Does God get mad; did Jesus? Yes, on those. What raises divine anger? Not what you might expect.
In contrast, Paul urges the congregation in Corinth to grow up! [1st Corinthians 3:1-6] People are acting like babies, with jealousy and fighting. Like toddlers throwing a tantrum. Why do we indulge those behaviors in ourselves when we wouldn’t indulge them in others?
Jesus also warns us of those attitudes and the anger they spawn [Matthew 5:21-24].
Can you – or do you – control your anger? Or is it like having a pet… dragon on a leash? Do you control it or does it control you? What role does God play in all of that?
See you Sunday!