- Deliver meals to a maximum of 14 clients/12 stops, once a month
- Arrive on time at the Senior Center or what is known as Studio 60 (between 10:45 and 11 am). It is located at 2200 Drake Ave. The Meals on Wheels entrance is located on the Ivy Ave side of the building
- Pull up to the Meals on Wheels doors and tell the staff which route you have. They will give you your 2 carriers, plastic bags, and clipboard for your assigned route. Detailed directions are provided directing you from house to house.
- Upon arrival at each residence, put the meal in a plastic bag, and hand to the client.
- Return to the Senior Center when you have completed your deliveries; report any clients who were not home or didn’t come to the door. Leave bags and clipboard outside double doors.
- If you are unable to drive on your scheduled day, notify Joy Suttles as soon as possible, so she can get a substitute for you. If you do not, it will be difficult—if not impossible—to find someone to deliver the food last minute.
- If you are willing to be a substitute driver for other routes and days – let Joy know. Trinity delivers for 8 routes 3 days of the month so substitute drivers are needed almost each of those days. We understand you will not be available every time we call or email. We appreciate the times you can fill in for someone else!
Email Joy Suttles