Dear Church Family!
In our modern world, discipline often carries a strict connotation, associated with restriction and limitation. However, when observed through the lens of faith, discipline is a beautiful witness of our love, trust, and commitment to God. This is especially true when it comes to our financial resources.
Our sermon this week is entitled “The Discipline of Giving” and our focal scripture is from Malachi 3:6-12 (CEB). This is an ancient dialogue between God and his people. More than a mere obligation or tradition, tithing - giving ten-percent of one’s income back to God, is a profound act of worship. It is a tangible demonstration of our love for God and our unwavering trust in his promise to provide for our every need. “Why rob God?” the scripture asks, challenging us to reflect on the areas where we might be holding back, not just in our finances but in our hearts. Tithing is more than just giving a tenth of our income, but it is about the condition of our hearts. Do we give grudgingly, or do we give with a spirit of gratitude and trust?
We will also read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (CEB) that reminds us that we serve a generous God who invites us into a deeper relationship with him. By embracing generosity, we align our hearts with God’s, and we bear witness to his unending provision and faithfulness.
As we prepare for Sunday, I invite you to join me in reflecting on our understanding of giving. Is it merely a box to check off or a deep-rooted discipline that draws you closer to God? Let us come together with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace the joy and blessings that come from living a life of disciplined giving. In doing so, may we showcase our love for God and our undying trust in his promises.
If you need additional information on the stewardship campaign or the 2024 Estimate of Giving Commitment Card, visit our website at Thank you for all that you do to support the ministries of Trinity United Methodist Church.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all,
Pastor Dedric