Dear Trinity Family & Friends,
As we continue our Advent sermon series, Holy Disruption, I am looking forward to sharing this week’s sermon, entitled “Resisting the Holy Disruption,” based on Matthew 2:1-9, 16-18 and Luke 1:39-55. This message invites us to reflect on the ways we respond when God’s plans challenge our expectations, comforts, or sense of control.
The story of King Herod serves as a stark reminder of how fear and resistance can cloud our ability to see God’s work in our midst. Herod’s response to the news of the newborn King was one of defensiveness and violence—an effort to preserve his power at all costs. In contrast, Mary and Elizabeth show us another way: a willingness to trust God’s purposes, even when they are disruptive and unexpected. Mary’s song, The Magnificat, reveals a heart open to the transformative power of God’s plan for justice and redemption.
As you prepare your hearts for worship this week, consider these questions for reflection and small group discussion:
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday at 9 am Traditional or 10:30 am Contemporary as we continue to explore the holy disruptions that draw us closer to God and his purpose for our lives.
Pastor Dedric