Dear Trinity Family & Friends,
This Sunday, we continue our Holy Disruption sermon series by reflecting on the stories of Mary and Joseph. Their journeys remind us that God’s plans often interrupt our own, inviting us to trust and follow Him into the unknown. These stories encourage us to embrace God’s moments of holy disruption, allowing our ordinary lives to fulfill extraordinary purposes.
Consider Mary.
Her holy disruption unfolds in Luke 1:26-38 (CEB). Mary, a young woman with her future ahead of her, is visited by the angel Gabriel with life-changing news: she will bear the Son of God. Though her plans are thrown into chaos, Mary responds with remarkable faith: "I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38). Mary’s surrender teaches us to trust God, even when His plans disrupt our own.
Now think about Joseph.
His holy disruption is told in Matthew 1:18-25 (CEB). When Joseph learns of Mary’s pregnancy, he plans to end their engagement quietly. But an angel appears to him in a dream, calling him to a greater purpose: to take Mary as his wife and raise the child as his own. Joseph’s obedience reminds us that trusting God often requires decisive action, even when the future feels uncertain.
As we prepare for this week’s sermon, I invite you to reflect on these questions:
Mary and Joseph didn’t know the full scope of what God was doing through them. They simply trusted and obeyed, taking one step at a time in faith. Through their surrender and obedience, the Savior of the world was born.
This Advent season, let us embrace the holy disruptions in our lives as opportunities to trust in God’s greater plan. Like Mary and Joseph, may we respond with faith and courage, discovering that even in uncertainty, God is bringing hope, peace, joy, and love into the world.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!
Pastor Carrie