Dear Trinity Family & Friends:
As we continue our spiritual journey through this Lenten Season, our attention turns to Jesus calming the storm, as recounted in Mark 4:35-41 (CEB). This passage not only demonstrates Jesus’ remarkable authority over the natural elements, but also highlights his profound presence that brings peace in the most chaotic moments.
We are beyond thrilled to welcome a very special guest, Rev. Sherill Clontz, who will preach at 9 am Traditional and the 10:30 am Contemporary services. Rev. Clontz, currently serving as the Northeast District Superintendent, once served as an associate pastor here at Trinity. Her return to our church family is a blessing we eagerly anticipate, knowing she will bring a powerful message.
As we prepare our hearts and minds for this week’s sermon, I encourage you to reflect on the following questions with me:
This Sunday promises to be a profound experience of worship, an opportunity to be reminded of the peace that Jesus offers us, even during life’s storms. It is also a perfect Sunday to invite someone who is searching for peace in their life, someone who may benefit from hearing the reassuring message of Jesus’ power and presence.
Looking forward to a blessed Sunday,
Pastor Dedric