When you hear “apocalypse,” what do you think of? A disaster movie with a lot of crashing and burning? A street preacher with a megaphone and some large posters who is wagging his finger at passing cars? An author with a best-selling book decoding the mysterious references in the Bible correlating with today’s news and political enemies? Is it destruction, revenge, and thumbs-down judgement? (Be afraid; be very afraid!) Or is it victory, relief, and hope?
The literal meaning of “apocalypse” is to uncover something, to reveal something – as in The Revelation of John – literally “taking off the lid.”
Often in my ministry, when a church has asked people what they want to study, one of the requests is Revelation. There is a sense that the book could be understood finally (at least that’s what some religious neighbors say), and that I can finally ‘get it.’ It’s like turning to the answers in the back of the math textbook.
Because I am a Christian, my go-to ‘decoder ring’ for understanding scripture is Christ, the Word of God, the Son of God. So, think quickly about “Jesus.” What understanding of the Apocalypse best fits HIM?
Sunday, we will deal with two scriptures: one from ‘back of the book [Revelation 21:1-6] and one from what is called the ‘little apocalypse’ of Mark [Mark 13:7-11].
In preparation, I again invite us to explore these passages using the three Questions of Professor Bill Power:
My goal in wrestling with scripture before a sermon – and in sharing it with you – is not to create a reaction in us that says, “Well… that was interesting.” My aim is to draw us all closer to Jesus and seek guidance on how to live this week following him. Can you join me in that this Sunday?
I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday at 9:00 am in the Sanctuary. As always, I would love to get your comments or questions — ahead of time or afterwards. Just click here.