Sunday is Pentecost, also known as the ‘Birthday of the Church,’ one of the High Holy Days of the year, along with Easter, Christmas Eve, and All Saints Day.
Go ahead and read the whole account Acts 2.
(In remembrance of the flames reported here, many will be rearing red on June 5.)
What is most striking to you in this story? The shock? The power? The inclusiveness? How timid followers become bold? Do you wonder how they all ended up on the street? What was the whole thing like? Do you wish you had been there or are you just as satisfied with not being there?
What active role does the Spirit play in your life? Is the Spirit kind of ‘second hand’ for you — influencing those who influence you? Is it a genuine presence of comfort in times or woe or anxiety? A nudge for you to act when you know you should? An illuminator of scripture when what you read in those pages suddenly seems to be written just for you?
When it comes to the Spirit, is your basic reaction one of confusion, mystery, confidence? Or is your basic response one of gratitude? If there is any thanksgiving on your part, what do you do with that? How do you express your gratitude? Or does it go unexpressed?
What do you do when you feel grateful to anybody else? Does that place an obligation on you — “Now, I’m going to have to give her a gift, too.” Or does gratitude become a joy when you’re able to be a part of something that was good for you?
Read the other scripture for Sunday [Romans 8:14-17] for more promised gifts from the Spirit. What do you value from this passage?
I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday at 9:00 am for Traditional worship in the Sanctuary. As always, I would love to get your comments or questions — ahead of time or afterwards. Just click here.