Is the god-decision an easy one? If asked to choose between worshipping the One we know through Jesus or… some other god, we’d probably quickly pick the Lord, wouldn’t we? That particular God gets our vote.
But then what?
Are there any consequences for throwing our lot in with the Lord of the scriptures? Anything we can now no longer do? Anything we now must do? Indeed, in America now, can you just choose God and then do… nothing?
You don’t have to worship, give money or time, indicate your choice somehow publicly. No scorn, usually no rejection, no cost, no consequences. Is that one of the things that makes Christians tame and weak and able to blend into the culture around them?
No one demands from us anything based on that decision. So, maybe the decision fades in our conscientiousness. It doesn’t cost anything so it’s not worth anything?
People accuse Christians of being judgmental and political — but mainly of being hypocritical. We confess Jesus in worship and that’s where it ends. They don’t see where following Jesus makes any difference in how we act.
In one of Sunday’s scripture ( Joshua 24:19-24 ), Joshua confronts the Israelites at the entrance of the Promised Land. “Now is the moment to choose!” he said. And don’t be misled; in the future, God will hold you accountable to your decision.
Strangely, the other scripture for that day ( 1st Corinthians 1:26-29 ) talks about the choices GOD has made, choosing iffy kind of people to convey something to those who saw themselves as somewhat iffy. If we throw ourselves in with a God like that, what does that mean in how we will look at and behave toward other people?
I’ll see you Sunday in the Sanctuary at 9:00. As always, I would love to get your comments or questions. Just click here.