This past Sunday, we shared our final pillar of belief at Cross Connect, which is that God has called us to be a community that does life together. When one of us celebrates, our community cheers with you. When one of us struggles, our community walks alongside you in support. Our desire is that every single person who connects with our community knows they are loved, valued, and no longer alone.
This coming Sunday, September 12, our community begins our journey together through The Story , and we will be doing this in multi-faceted and multigenerational ways:
* Our Sermon Series will follow along chapter by chapter (full schedule available this Sunday),
* Kids Connect begins this Sunday, when children ages 4 - 2nd Grade will be invited during the sermon to join Ms. Audrey in The Garden for a special, age-appropriate lesson centered around the same chapter,
* Youth Converge (5:30-7:30pm) starts this Sunday, also with their lesson centered around the same chapter, AND
( Multiple Adult Small Groups kick off this Sunday to give a deeper dive into The Story.
For a full list of these classes, click here. And don't worry if you don't start right at the beginning - you are welcome to join in any time!
We are SO excited about the community God is creating, and the journey we are walking together! We know God has great plans, and we can't wait to see them all unfold! Please know you are ALL a special & needed part of our community, and we are so thankful to do life together with you!
See you in worship this Sunday at 11 am!