We have just experienced Easter and Christ is risen and He is alive within each and every one of us. Christ went through a dark time before He arose and showered us all with His love. There are those in our community that are going through a dark time and it is in our power to help them see Christ light. Let us shower Carolyn’s Cupboard at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church with six full bins of food on Sunday, May 1. They are in need of:
Canned meat (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.)
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Child Friendly Food
Food Bars
Christ has and is sharing His light and is guiding us to show others that God is good and that He provides. May our hands and feet be the ones that are showing those going through a rough time just how much J.O.Y (Jesus overflowing you) is within us. In an effort to make it easy for you to make a contribution bins are located in the Narthex, the New Room lobby and at the Wesley Hall entrance throughout the month.
For those of you that like to shop ahead, the June 5 collection will go to Lacey Spring’s United Methodist Church Share House and they are in need of:
Pop Tarts
Canned meat (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.}
Canned Vegetables
Hamburger Helper
Powdered Milk
Kool Aid
Paper Towels
Dish Detergent
It is because of you and your contributions that this mission project is a success. Thank you for sharing your blessings with others.