Dear Trinity Family & Friends,
I’m grateful to share the final message before the Thanksgiving holiday, and Advent, with you on Sunday November 24!
Our two scriptures for the day, Daniel 7:9-14 and John 18:33-37, give us two radically different images of the nature of a king. Daniel’s vision: the heavenly throne room, a river of fire flowing from God’s presence, thousands worshiping the Lord! John’s depiction: a Nazarene healer and teacher, beaten down, humiliated, seemingly at the mercy of Roman imperial power.
As we prepare to enter these two throne rooms, consider these questions:
I sincerely hope that you will join us to worship our one true King, at 9 am or 10:30 am, in person or online. We’re grateful when you take the time to worship with us!
In Christ,
Pastor Dale