You probably have heard, at least officially, that salvation – based on trust, love, and loyalty – is not earned but given freely by God through Christ. But did you get other messages from the Church along the way? Were you ever told that you have to straighten up, fly right, get better grades, have good attendance, agree with church leaders, don’t be a bad girl or boy, and don’t hang out with the wrong kind of people? Which ‘message’ is the most influential in your life: salvation by grace (unearned love) or works righteousness?
We were taught to behave since we were born, and that’s important. Isn’t the world a better place because many were taught – and constrained! – to be good people? But can we behave our way into God’s heart?
How do you sort that out? How do you think God sorts that out? Does the Judge also give out grades for good behavior or just let everyone in, regardless? Love without discipline has sometimes been called “sloppy agapé.”
Let’s work through the way Paul presents it [Ephesians 2:8-10].
I also am lifting up the story and Saul and Ananias [Acts 9:10-17] with one of the most powerful and trajectory-changing two-word phases in the New Testament.
I look forward to seeing you in worship Sunday.