Dear Trinity UMC:
For the first time, as your Senior Pastor, I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Words cannot express how excited and grateful I am for the opportunity to serve the people of God called Trinity United Methodist Church. I consider it a privilege and honor to journey alongside such a dynamic and mission-focused congregation. After much prayer and discernment for God’s will for my life, I sense that God has called me to this task. Trinity is a testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit at work within the Body of Christ to invite all to gather in love, grow in faith, and give back in joyful service.
As we begin our journey together, I pray that you will join me in renewing the vows that we each made as we entered church membership. We committed ourselves to the work of ministry by supporting the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. As we seek to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, let us live as people of expectation and hope by giving ourselves to the mission and ministries of Trinity.
This Sunday, in both services, we will focus on one of my favorite scriptures, John 15:1-5. As Jesus prepares his disciples before his death and resurrection, he assures them that if they stay connected to him, they will bear much fruit. As we begin a new chapter at Trinity, we must remember the source of our strength is in our connection to the true vine. Simply put, there’s power in our connection! New beginnings often come with excitement and questions, but growing deeper in our connection to God and one another will equip us for the journey ahead.
Trinity has a vibrant history, an exciting present, and an even more promising future. I look forward to serving among you and joyfully anticipate what God has in store.
Overjoyed to be your pastor!
Pastor Dedric