Dear Trinity Family & Friends,
I’m excited to be sharing the first message in our new sermon series, “By the Light,” this Sunday June 2 in both worship services. During this series, we will hear a great deal about how God uses light to transform, change and influence the lives of the faithful.
Back during the month of April, I was asked to lead the devotion for the men’s prayer breakfast group that meets on Wednesdays at 8 am. I was inspired to talk about calling – what is a call, how do we receive it, and does it still happen today?
I emailed several pastor friends that I know, most of whom serve in the Northeast District of the North Alabama Conference of the UMC. I asked them to share their calling stories with me, so that I could share those stories with the men’s group and discuss the different ways that God has called us into ministry in His name.
I was impressed by the differences in the calling stories that I received, their uniqueness and individuality. Personally, I happened to experience a very dramatic “lightning bolt from heaven” call – but most United Methodist pastors have not. In most cases, they slowly realized their purpose as God worked on their hearts over many years.
I truly believe that God places calling & purpose on every Christian at our baptism (Ephesians 4:1-6). And a significant part of growing in discipleship is accepting His call in our lives.
This Sunday, we will hear about being “Called By the Light.” God used His mighty voice to call forth light from the darkness in Genesis 1:1-5, and that same voice called out to simple fishermen and commissioned them to become Jesus’ first disciples in Matthew 4:18-22. And that same voice calls to us today!
Some questions to consider before Sunday’s worship services:
I hope to see you this coming Sunday as the Light calls out to each one of us!
In Christ,
Pastor Dale