Dear Trinity Family and Friends,
I am so excited about this sermon series! Encountering God as Light has always been one of my foundational experiences. Would you believe that my first word as a child was “light”? Not mama or dada or dog, but light. I cannot help but believe that was a divine foreshadowing into my calling and my relationship with God.
When I was in seminary, I took a class entitled Images of God. We studied various cultures around the world and how those cultures influenced interpretations of scripture and ultimately our images of God. Our final project was to create our own artistic image of God. After prayer and discernment, I created my piece. If you ever visit my office, be sure to ask me to show it to you and explain all the elements. But for today's purposes, as I considered what I see when I interact with God, the center of my piece was a flame, intended to represent God as light. Light that illumines the path. Light that keeps you warm. Light that refines metal’s impurities. Light that leads, guides, and directs my life.
This Sunday, we will look at two scriptures that emphasize being led by the light of God, first as we follow the Israelites through the wilderness in Exodus 13:17-22, and second, Acts 9:10-18 as we consider how faithfulness to the day-to-day light of God’s guidance can lead us to be part of world-changing transformation.
I look forward to worshiping with you in the Sanctuary for 9 am Traditional Worship, in the New Room for 10:30 am Contemporary Worship, and/or online as we seek to be led by God’s light together!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Carrie