Were you at Trinity when we studied together the book by Adam Hamilton called “Enough”? What a radical thought! Almost un-American. To decide that you now have enough.
Before they were shut down due to COVID, buffets were one of my big temptations because I thought I needed to get my money’s worth… and more! Always more.
Today it seems as if much of our culture is based on never getting enough. Enough entertainment, food, fashion, new technology, gossip, snide reviews, guns, social media, money. Especially money. What’s going on there?
In Jesus’ day, wealth was seen as a blessing from God. Is it today? Well, certainly poverty is not seen as a reward for good behavior. Is success due to luck, hard work, righteousness, God’s favor?
Would you go to someone for advice (business, lifestyle, career) who makes significantly less than you do? In the story Jesus tells [Luke 12:13-21], the rich man talks to himself — not a cousin or a rabbi or even God — because who could give him better advice than himself?
By the end of the story, Jesus has put up for pity someone who originally would have been the envy of everyone in his audience. What?!
In the passage from one of Paul’s letters [1st Timothy 6:6-10] we read great warnings about the dangers of wealth. Are you tempted to think these cautions don’t apply to you? After all, you’re not wealthy. Compared to whom?. You’re not dominated by the love of money. How can you tell? You haven’t wandered away from the faith. Once again, how can you tell?
As always, I would love to get your comments or questions — ahead of time or afterwards. Just click here.