Sunday, August 7, will be our next FFT collection. Each day God presents us with opportunities to share Christ’s love. We may never know if our actions renew someone’s faith or if our compassion rekindles someone’s hope. We may never know whether we are an answer to someone’s prayer. Just as individual snowflakes make up an avalanche, we, as individuals, can make an avalanche of food to help relieve food insecurity locally.
Participating in FFT is quite easy, not time consuming, or expensive. It’s also a good opportunity to show your children a way to be helpful to those less fortunate by your example. Just embracing daily opportunities to help others can be a big part of God's plan for us and to those to whom we show compassion and kindnes. It will probably make a difference in someone else’s life; it for sure will make a difference in yours.
The food pantry at Lacey’s Spring’s Share House needs the following items:
Canned meat (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.)
Ravioli/Spaghetti and Meatballs (with pop-up lids)
Canned vegetables
Small bags of rice
Hamburger Helper
Powdered milk
Kool Aid
Paper towels/Toilet paper
Dish detergent
If you prefer to make a monetary donation, make your check to TUM C with FFT on the memo line.
For those of you who like to shop ahead, the September collection will go to St. Paul UMC’s food pantry. They are in need of:
Canned Spaghetti sauce
Spaghetti pasta
Instant potatoes
Thank you for your continued loyalty to this important mission.