Trinity Family & Friends:
I don’t know about you, but for me, I sense a grounding & a connection among us as we journey together through this sermon series on “What We Value”. God has given Trinity a compelling vision into the future, and clear guidance on the spirit with which we are to be the Church God needs us to be for Huntsville at such a time as this.
This Sunday’s scriptures are unbelievably powerful. I find myself particularly in awe by Revelation 7:9-17 (CEB) as I consider this eternal reality we are called to actualize in the here & now. People from every markable difference on earth united in worship around the throne of God - is there anything more beautiful & inspiring? In contrast, the world around us is constantly conditioning us to divide, at times even demonize, according to our differences. I am beyond grateful that Trinity has chosen to “Value Differences” as we are taught to do in Romans 12:3-18 (CEB), realizing that the source of our differences is actually a gift and expression of God’s grace and intended for the fullness of the body of Christ.
This Sunday, as we worship in both the 9 am Traditional and 11 am Cross Connect services, I invite you to lean in as we seek to further embody this truth, that at Trinity, “We Value Differences.”
Have a blessed week, and I can’t wait to worship with you Sunday!
Pastor Carrie