When you were a kid, did you expect that, by now, you would have everything figured out? The adults around you back then seemed to know what all they needed to know, after all. Well, it turns out, they were faking it — just as you and I are doing now — hoping that no one discovers us out.
Thankfully my young adult days were not filmed and put on social media so that my pretense was put on display forever for everyone to see: “Look at that! He’s trying to look like an authority on something he obviously knows little about!”
There’s even a term for those times when men attempt to explain something, in a condescending way, to a woman who turns out to be an expert in that field — it’s called “mansplaining.” Could there be something like “religiosplaining”? (There’s got to be a better term.) A Christian trying to explain the Sabbath to a Jew, for instance. If I have matured like I thought I should have after all these years, why am I still talking in situations when I clearly should shut up? Looking foolish. Let’s get wiser!
Of course the scriptures include the time when new king Solomon asked God for wisdom enough to guide the people and got a double dose ( 1st Kings 3:4-9 ). But there is also the instruction in the early church of how to live wisely ( Ephesians 5:15-20 ).
Worship can be very real for you this week and I’m excited about the possibilities. I will be sharing in the traditional service at 9 am. Both it and the contemporary service at 11 will be shared in-person, live-streamed, or recorded for later. (The contemporary service has its own series starting this week that is different from the traditional series.)
I would love to get your comments or questions before or after the service. Just click here.