School is back in full swing and many children are receiving free breakfast and lunches at their respective schools. However, there are still many young children that aren’t school age and are at home and not receiving these meals. Therefore, let us all be mindful of Christ words “Let the children come unto me”. One way that I look at this is Christ is using the Food for Thought mission program as a vessel to bring the children to Him. When we feed His children we are feeding Him. The Lord has blessed us all and He doesn’t ask for anything in return other than “Do unto others as you do unto Me”. We can do this by being mindful of children and families that need the gift of sustenance and completely fill the bins with non-perishable food.
This month’s collection is on Sunday, September 3 therefore if you are going to be out of town, remember that bins are in place throughout the entire month at the Wesley Hall entrance, the Narthex and the New Room lobby for you to drop off your donation anytime during the week. Our collection goes to Carolyn’s Cupboard at St. Paul’s United Methodist church and they are in need of:
Pop Tarts
Pancake Mix
Canned spaghetti sauce
Spaghetti pasta
Canned meat (Vienna sausages, chicken, tuna)
Canned vegetables
Hamburger Helper
Tea Bags
Kool Aid
Paper towels
Dish Detergent
For those of you that like to shop ahead, the October 1st collection will go to New Market United Methodist Church and they are in need of: Cereal, Pop Tarts, Oatmeal, Pancake Mix, Syrup, Jelly, Peanut Butter, Canned meat (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.), Ravioli / Spaghetti and Meatballs, Canned Vegetables