Dear Trinity UMC,
I have been looking forward to my first days as your new Pastor of Engagement with great anticipation! I will be bringing my first message in both services this Sunday. It has been rewarding to work with Pastor Dedric and Pastor Carrie on sermon planning, sharing ideas and helping to shape the future plans that Dedric has laid out for Trinity.
Many of us are “experts” at something. An expert is a person with comprehensive or authoritative knowledge. Through a combination of education, experience and practice, we have mastered a specific skill or talent. Whether that expertise lies in nuclear physics or finance, building maintenance or creating recipes from scratch, I know that we have many experts here at Trinity!
When Jesus called Peter to be his disciple, he identified areas in which Peter was already an expert – namely fishing on the Sea of Galilee – but also helped Peter to grow beyond his existing skill set to master new skills that would be necessary for him to become an early church leader. There is a humility required when we accept a calling that Jesus has laid on our hearts. We may be experts in one area or another, but we often need to master new practices in order to live into the calling of Christ on our lives.
God is certainly willing to throw twists and turns at us in order to move us out of our comfort zones and into the ministry He has planned for us! What new skills would you need to learn in order to answer the calling that Christ has laid upon you? How do you think your existing skills may best be utilized in service to our church? And are you willing to humble yourself and learn new things in order to serve His kingdom? I look forward to joining you in worship!
In Truth,
Pastor Dale