Dear Trinity Family & Friends:
As we journey together through the Season of Lent, we continue to seek understanding, guidance, and renewal from the scriptures. This week, I am particularly excited to share with you our upcoming sermon entitled “Miracles Beyond Boundaries,” based on Matthew 9:18-26 (CEB), which focuses on two miraculous healings performed by Jesus. First, the daughter of a synagogue leader brought back to life, and second, a woman suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years healed simply by touching Jesus’ cloak. These stories are not just miracles but powerful testimonies to the boundless compassion of Jesus Christ, who breaks down the walls that divide us—social, religious, and those constructed by doubt and despair.
In a world where divisions seem more pronounced than ever, the message of Jesus’ inclusive love and power is a beacon of hope. Jesus did not only come for the righteous or the socially acceptable, but he came for all. The synagogue leader and the bleeding woman represent the spectrum of society—from the respected to the marginalized. Jesus’ response to both is a profound lesson in breaking barriers that we, too, are called to follow.
We will also read Psalm 103:1-11 (CEB), which lays a beautiful foundation for understanding the depth of God’s love and mercy. It reminds us of his benefits—he forgives, heals, redeems, crowns us with love and compassion, and satisfies our desires with good things. This passage echoes the themes of our primary text, showing that God’s love and mercy know no bounds.
To prepare our hearts and minds for this week’s sermon, I encourage you to think on the following discussion questions:
As we gather this Sunday, let us come with open hearts and minds, ready to be transformed by the power of God’s word. Let us be reminded that the miracles of Jesus are not just events of the past but invitations for us to be part of the ongoing story of God’s love breaking through every boundary that divides us.
Pastor Dedric