Have you ever been disappointed by the meager response to something you were doing? Of course, you have. You were hoping for a full turn-out for the party and, instead, just a few folks straggled in late. You don’t understand why other people are not as enthusiastic about something as you are. If you consider something to be a Big Deal, why are others treating it as… meh?
It might sound like blasphemy, but do you think Jesus was ever a disappointment to anyone? Many – many – were expecting the Messiah to ride in, gather an army, and kick out the Roman occupiers. You know, a Big Deal!
Instead, Jesus collected a few followers who travelled with him through the back alleys of that world, occasionally attracting big crowds for his teaching and healing. One crowd was even going to declare him king at one point and he slipped away [John 6:15]!
Remember that we previously read that even Jesus’ relative, John the Baptist, had second thoughts. While in prison, John sent word to Jesus, asking, “Are you the One we’ve been waiting for or is there another?” [Matthew 11:2-6]. Why wasn’t the Kingdom coming?
Partly in response to those unfulfilled expectations, Jesus tells some stories about the power of little things [Matthew 13:31-33, 44-46]. Mustard seeds start very small and then grow into… an average-sized bush. What?
Yeast is also small but can have an impact on flour. Is that how the Kingdom of Heaven works? Small, almost ignorable, but makes an outsized impact. Think of those original few students of Jesus — what impact did they have?
Do you judge your own participation in the Kingdom by how impressive it is? Do you fail to do little because it is little? “I can’t do much. They won’t miss me.” Is it possible that Jesus views it differently?
I look forward to seeing you in worship Sunday… and every Sunday in Lent.